Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Today was an interesting day.

Plain and simple.

It is easy to get lost in the observations of others, before long you realize that we have completely stopped evaluating ourselves. Checking ourselves in a sense.

Now to those people that go on about not needing to be put in check or they aren't going to kiss someones ass, you can go ahead and see where you get in life by thinking that shit.

EVERYBODY needs to be put in check, you, me, Tiger Woods, Jesse James, hell even the asshole that allowed the Alabama bill to pass that basically racially profiles anyone who isn't white and inbred.

It is a difficult moment when you realize that you need to check yourself. It's like walking in on yourself masturbating.

The point is we all stray from our point one way or another.

In the constant battle between Social media and angry house wives as to who is responsible for child aggression, is it the movies and games that they are subject to and their publishers, or is it the lack of control that we hold in our homes that leave our young to roam free and explore.

Keep in mind I am not saying the parents in this situation are bad people at all, Its just kids are getting way too sneaky thanks to Nickelodeon's line up of shows that constantly influence the intelligence of our youth and by GOD they are getting smarter.

Responsibility plays a huge role in both scenarios and the only focus is on two facotrs and no one mentions the kids.

Why do we completely ignore the fact that children can think and act for themselves. There is only a finite amount of knowledge we can pass down to them and everything else will eventually come through experience and we are so concerned with arguments and controversy that we forget this point of view.

The bottom line is that responsibility and accountability is something that we will all take on at some point in our lives. It is important to understand this and relate this to others because quite frankly we're fucked here on earth.

Let's make the best of it.
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