Monday, July 18, 2011

Android v. iPhone : The Actual Showdown!!!

There's had been so much controversy and arguing on the interwebs (and why should it be any different, after all isn't this why we have the web in the first place?)

Needless to say the level of attack on both iPhone and Android has just about become as arbitrary as the difference between Scott tissue and Charmin; Either way someone is wiping their ass.

So the general consensus is that Android is better for the following reasons:

-Internet browsing is supposedly faster 

-The abundance of free applications

-Now 4G options for retards who don't know what technology is, (honestly if you're not watching videos all the time cut the shit with 4G)

-Larger screens for better viewing, typing and overall screen response.(and B-the-W why come up with a 5 inch screen of embarrassing lack in responsiveness, when 3.5 does perfectly well?)

-And of course the most annoying, Flash.

Now, with that being said , let's take a look at the reality, however, before I go into the particulars of this post, here's the history.

I have used every droid since the launch of the original droid back in November of '09 for Verizon. Since, I have purchased and sold droid model after model to be at the cutting edge longing for a responsive long lasting experience. Device after device I have been grossly dissatisfied, yet hopeful for the one release that will overcome all.

Then aired the best press release I've ever been able to see (topped by the amazing interjection by the lovely John Oliver during the press release.) And so it was. Verizon got the iPhone. So I bought it. And it was glorious.

Now back to the reality:

Basically 4G is great if it worked. I love it on my iPad and it is phenomenally fast. However with Android it is the equivalent of speaking to a retard with a stutter.

Now the reason for this rant is I have no access to my iPhone until Friday. Till then I am resorting to my Samsung Charge. As I sit, shit and surf I take a look at the screen as the "4G speed" loads the pages content, (of course I am looking at The Chive as I am an avid Chiver) and I scroll down as I would with my iOS device, which would let me go as far down as the page
Would allow me until finished (usually about 20 seconds in total, not too bad considering the level of content has to offer) however I am working with my Droid device, and every time the status bar advances it jumps me right back to the beginning of the page. This gets very annoying with the so-called most advanced operating system on the planet.

The keyboard gets really jumpy and warrants the use of swype as a main source of input which is great however I hate swype, not so much the actual keyboard interface but the layout. No room for quick emoticons or anything like that.

Isn't this shit supposed to be smart as fuck?

Most people look into android look forward to free applications, and that's fine, what I don't understand is where the shit is this preconceived notion that Apple nickel and dimes for every application available?

Ignorance really is bliss, until your phone freezes due to an incompatible application through the market.

Now for those who don't know, and from what I understand, is at some selfish bastard (calm down I kid) develops a phone app and through out the market application's comments you see threads of different devices the application is not compatible with, and this is due to the original developer only creating the application to work with their own phone and through countless and tedious updates it slowly becomes compatible with everyone else on the roster.

Android seems best when it comes to simple tasks, downloading mp3 files and playing Angry Birds. Seems that everything "exclusive" to Android has it's own glitches that make me want to punch a baby in their chocolate covered mouth. Buddies now, fancy widget, favorite this and quick that. Screens freeze and keyboard become shit. Not to mention the other dick load of problems I've given up even trying to find out the slightest idea.

I've never had any issues with downloading websites, the applications work *GASP*
and the battery life or performance is not affected by the multitasking capabilities.

"oh but the Droid has removable and expandable memory!"

Yeah maybe if you were not such a cheap ass fuck nugget you would splurge the extra $100 and get the 32GB iPhone, learn how to use a computer and manage your fucking content like an adult. Secondly try using whatever ridiculous amount of memory that your phone comes with and once it burns out your shit out of luck with saving those pictures from he beach house where things got awkward with your second cousin.

Memory cards fail, screen black out, battery life goes to shit, and it seems that everything Droid has on Apple is it's downfall.

So before you talk all the shit you do about hating Apple because your inbred psyche is too stunted to come up with such an amazing concept yourself I recommend you pick one up and try it for yourself.

Don't get caught in the hype or Kayne West will skull fuck you in your sleep.
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