Saturday, July 23, 2011

social networking is the only susbstitute for Heroin

Google Logo officially released on May 2010Image via WikipediaGoogle+ eh?

I get it, seems pretty cool, I bet tons of hipsters already use this because we've probably never heard of it before. And for that I say go fuck yourself.

In any case, with the misfortune of working with tech on a daily basis I already began having these conversations as to whether or not the Google+ compatibility exists.


It's switching one addiction ( Facebook ) for another social networking fix.

Do we really need another distraction?

It seems that each distraction brings us closer to total failure as a race.

At first there were glittery backdrops for the Myspace, then there was some collegian effort towards formality with FaceBook, and now what is the goal?

Is it to make Mail order brides easier to find? How long before we integrate our entire lives in social networking and in turn get hacked and lose our life's everything?

Personally with the rep that Google has now I don't even know what is to come and I'm really not sure if thi is the business that they should be in.

All I know is if Apple sets up a social networking site I am going to lose my shit.

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