Thursday, April 7, 2011


Dear Jill,

  I wish we knew each other when we were five. I wish we played on fields, and splashed in pools. Shared each others deepest secrets, and playfully held each others hands.

             I sometimes wonder how it would've been if we'd spent our years praying that we had the same class schedules, and passed notes back in forth in Social Studies. I'd sit back and admire your intelligence as you spoke in front of the class in your flower pattern dress that your mom grandma bought you, and although you may think you look ridiculous, you're actually quite captivating.

             If only you had been the girl to glow in the gymnasium, taking focus away from tacky balloon arrangements, disco lights and loud mouthed jocks, to take my hand in dance because my date had ditched me for Tom Hardy. You'd smell amazing and my heart would skip beats and our rhythm would get lost in the snare and bass drum.

             If only I'd known you before you got your heart broken, before you built up that wall. I'd have had the chance to tell you what you've meant to me over the years.  I'd tell you how much I love you and that anybody who doesn't see your worth and breath-taking personality is completely insane. And how I wanted to love you for the rest of my life, wake up to you every morning, and raise a family with you.........

 Unfortunately, we didn't know each other when we were young ins. I never got a note all folded up fancy like with my name and a heart. And I never set foot in a high school dance.

             I often wonder if, when you look at me, you’re thinking exactly what I'm thinking.......

             Unfortunately we've both been in terrible relationships. And you have quite the establishment surrounding your heart.

             However, I do Love you, and I'll keep picking down that wall. Till I have you in my arms and you understand that you are my world and I'd never abandon you.....

             After all, I'd like to think that maybe things DO happen for a reason. Perhaps the reason for such shitty past, is to fully appreciate what its like to love and be loved.......

If you've read this far perhaps I've given you something to smile about at the very least. It's not very easy for me to verbalize  my emotions....s I’ll let my pen do the talking.

                                                                                              I love you,  

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