Saturday, April 30, 2011

a douchebag used to be a feminine hygiene product and tools were only found at the Home Depot...

Nobody ever talks about the events leading up to the point where a man strikes a woman. Make no mistake there is not a one fucking reason to hit a woman and any faggot that does should be beheaded not left in a fucking cell getting three square meals a day, but I digress. My argument is that there is sometimes way more to it than anyone cares to give it credit and NOBODY takes it into account. So some asshole back in the 50's who thought of women no more valuable than a possession of mediocre needs; I'm going to go ahead and say gravy boat, decided he was gonna make right a situation and discipline the shit outta them. It seems to be standard pig logic: Hit 'em and they'll never do it again". So he wails and wails until women acquire rights and whatnot.

The story, as life, goes on.

Now, luckily enough, I come up in the generation that depicts fathers scolding their sons for talking back to their mothers. Some respect has come into the picture.

It may not be the end of the world after all.

Time has changed, as we as society seem to love repeating history. Now here let me say this, if you are the kind of insecure person to date some roided out Guido that's been honey roasted you should not be surprised when he back hands the fuck outta you because he can't get his dick up. Sorry honey that spray tan ain't comin' outta that tube top.

Back to my point.

 The conversation that happens between a man and woman hours before the hit. It starts with a simple "just let me leave please so I can go for a drive." This usually happens right after a disagreement where the man decided he'd would be much more useful had he driven around a bit to clear his mind and unwind. This logic, however, is immediately discounted after the dame decides to park her ass right in the doorway. All he does is try and ask polite ways to get her to move. She insists on a more stubborn and counter productive approach. 

This is fucking bananas!

Trying a different array of tones and volumes ranging from soft-spoken permission requests to shouting demands and ape like gestures. Nobody is perfect. Yet nothing seems to work. Even explaining the course of action desired that even Gilbert Fucking Grape could understand  but is like cracking the DaVinci code. Then once you reach your pinnacle you start to fantasize. (Now keep in mind this doesn't negate the fact that this scenario is played in the opposite circumstances, but I happen to have a penis and these are my truths. So before you start calling me out as a sexist or whatever, keep in mind the topic in discussion. Joke)

The fantasy is just WHACK!, maybe an elbow drop or pile driver , anything to immobilize her enough to get the fuck out. Never any real damage done just a quick knuckle or slap on the forehead should do. But he never goes there. He remembers the rules, the way things are, mostly importantly; the father telling their kids to respect women. Now this brings us to a Goosebumps style read-by-number sequence where you could just go for it (bee-tee-dub the fantasy sequence should be enough to equal those times you skipped to the first decision, found out you were going to die, then held the other page bookmarked by your index finger trying to justify going back to the former option trying to fool yourself into believing that you had never left the original page so its okay to rewrite that 15 seconds of regret.

Does anyone have any clue what the shit I'm talking about?

Anyways, the bottom line is this; don't hit a chick. That is one bitch ass move and from what I heard from ex cons that I uncomfortably worked with, beating your girl will lead you to beating some big black dudes meat in the pen. Verbatim. Again this is not a justification but more so of an explanation of what the male mindset is comprised of when put in such shitty situations.

But here is a good way to avoid this. Maybe decide against dating the tool in the miniskirt or the douche in the fucking Ed Hardy V-neck. This really isn't the foundation for a future you want: a house that smells like menthol cigarettes, hooker perfume and axe body spray. That shit will make your kids retarded. It isn't impressive when a female parades around in a spandex miniskirt with tits in a shirt 4 sizes too small. It leaves nothing to the imagination other than what possible crossbred concoction of a venereal disease you can acquire. But they don’t all look skanky, and that shit depresses me because I can't cope with the idea that a girl of true beauty that can make your feet go numb even when she leaves the make up at home, walking around dressing too scandalous (and yes there IS a line, when i can see your cheeks when you walk up the stairs and the birth canal when she drunkenly picks up her now cracked iPhone; THATS the line). I dunno maybe it’s just me. Its way sexier to me for a woman to wear a sundress with some wedges or jeans flip flops and a vintage tee than to see ridiculous flared out acrylic nails two-toned eye shadow caked over too-thick mascara (its like they don’t even pay attention to the commercials. Just one or two stroked should do it. You're not reinforcing the levy in New Orleans) not to mention the ridiculous cocktail dresses. Although moderately sexy, it is wholly overrated. 

Till the day we realize when they told us that beauty was skin deep they were giving us a hint because when mothers taught girls that those boys teasing them did it because of crushes they were full of shit, remember to keep an open palm.

That was a joke assholes don't take me too seriously.

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