Thursday, April 7, 2011

These steel tracks follow..

I don’t want to go on epic journeys, if I cannot recollect with anyone special.
I don’t want to make millions of dollars, if I can’t bring home a new toy from a different country for my son or daughter, I don’t want to remember, if you're not there.
I don’t want to be the best boyfriend/ husband. I just want to see you smile. I don’t want to be the best lover, I just want to feel whole.

I feel so lost. I've ridden along these steel tracks, and I've made trails in dirt roads. I've looked at life and said "Fuck it, why not" and I still cant find the repellent to "what if" I'm stuck in the embrace of circumstance, wondering, Is this it? I've found adventure in the eyes of a lover, the smile of friends and the sound of our histories. Yet I'm left empty.

What good are family, and a promising future, if it's not with the people you intend on living it with. Times change, perspective takes different paths and you see different things as you grow older.....after so much...what is left?

People will always find a way to leave. They'll always find a reason. Whether it's the fear of finding something real, or the boredom casted over a shallow heart......

You're always left wondering where you went wrong all the while our world tears itself apart/

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