Thursday, May 5, 2011

Color Coded Notsalgia: Tonight We Go Red Line

I remember the almost therapeutic effect riding the subway throughout the city of Boston had on me. Since I can remember I had been taking bus to train and vice-versa exploring the reaches of the city.  Even in the pursuit of musical liberation I would venture out farther than I had ever comfortably gone before.

But it was all in the spirit of adventure.

Looking back I could have very well ended up in some nut-case's fuck dungeon. But I was still young and somewhat pure.

Moving On...

I spent a majority of the my last year in Boston traveling on the red line. I could have driven and cut my travel time by 60% but I really couldn't see past a $300 a month parking pass against a $60 unlimited travel pass from the good ol' MBTA, not to mention savings on fuel and the ability to get plastered each night without so much as a thought about how I was gonna get home. (Chelsea was a mere 1.8 square miles, even the most inebriated crackhead could stumble his way through the city in less than 30 minutes.

Harvard square was where I worked and it took a good amount of time to get there. I began developing hobbies that I hadn't really had the time to indulge. Reading an writing became a daily thing. My iPod gave me a soundtrack to enjoy each day; going with a different band or genre each day.

This made the people watching all the better, and Folks if you enjoy people watching as much as I do the MBTA is the transportation service for you. Take the fella above, I almost felt that actually approaching him would diminish the amazing stories that were now flooding my brain. Whatever the reason he had for wearing such an amazing hat I have no explanation, but I had fun making them up.

This was almost a daily occurrence. Between homeless people, train dancers, and ravers to start it never really gets to be too dull on the subway.

It's all a part of the city's undeniable charm.

1 comment:

  1. haha , i love it! i can realte. damn red line, i cant believe half the shit i see on there!
