Thursday, May 19, 2011

Someting in a smile... some assembly required..

Plastic Surgery Slumber PartyImage via WikipediaVisually speaking the female "set-up" is so much better than that of any male. Maybe that's why I'm not gay.

In any case I think about the daily interactions that I deal with.  In SoCal it is easy to find a woman with an amazing backside-although you'd be hard pressed to find this in some Mexican women, but I digress.

With the explosion in plastic surgery and other aesthetic enhancements big tits are amassing like nobodies business, and as much shit I get from my friends I'm just not big on tits. Plainly put. I'd do just fine with a solid B-cup and a great tush. Tho some do look amazing with the larger set, I should be so lucky.

Other aspects that drive my attention are legs and this has been played to death, also not the point to this post.

A smile delivers much more than any other body part can bring to the table. A great smile can promise so much if on the right face. I know that is a really odd statement but it's true when you think about it. A smile is always the first thing to catch my attention. Even better if they got the nose and eyes to further accent this phenomenon.

At the end of the day the smile is all that matters. Think about, for a second, all the shit that women cake on their faces. By the time you wake up in the morning next to that pseudo-playmate that you picked up at the bar or night club the night before she now has an awful pasty-faced ghoulish creature that has no eyebrows and smells like a tanning salon.

The bottom line is that there is no substitute for a beautiful set of teeth and sensual lips. This goes beyond any sexual desire more so it is just a pretty face. One to be admired with no agenda. A simple glance in the direction of such a sight can relieve all your stresses.

If you know anyone with these features and they make you feel the way I have illustrated, is it too much to go over and engage? The smile nowadays has dropped in value faster than the American dollar. Between reality shows and stupid Real World-esque shows only leave the mindset that those busty bimbos with future liver problems are what is to be desired and acquired accordingly.

I call Bullshit!!!

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