Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I get it, but really!?!?!

So The infamous Osama Bin Laden is dead. He was found in some mansion and we "brought a known criminal to justice". First of all, we spent the last decade looking for some asshole in the caves surrounding, and no one thought to check down town? Second of all, there is no second of all. The rest will forever be printed in our history books. The culmination of our nation in the war against terror. Hooray.

But seriously.

Facebook has plastered all along the news feeds about Bin Laden's death. Every one has something to say but one post actually caught my eye.

In short this wonderful person wrote about the celebration of death , despite the fact that this man was the most hated individual for the last ten years, and how it is all in bad spirit. Death needs no celebration, and I agree.

I get that there is a sigh of relief that comes with this victory but does it really need to be as much as it is now? I say this because I am more concerned with the negative ramifications that are to be widespread across the board. Whee people find humor in posting up pics and fake videos of Osama with cross hairs on his head and "exclusive footage" plastered on the web. And for what reason? What is to be gained?

She also mentioned that hate multiplies hate. I haven't read such a truth in a long time. Heard some asshole say to one of my best friends "so I heard they killed your uncle", and as outspoken and rather dickish as I am this bothered me... A lot.

So I began to think about all the shit that we do as a country. This will be going on for generations. To this day white shit bag supremacists are still raggin' on Koreans and the Japanese for the shit we had to suffer years back in past wars, and we bombed the shit out of other countries, we had are "bittersweet victories" and yet we still feel the need to spread ignorance across the board.

So are we left to disrespect the middle eastern community because of the death of a terrorist. Does one person or organization really affect the reputation of an entire race? Because as I see it we don't walk about Germans as much, Cuba had it's shot in the public eye and Fidel's doings are kinda stashed aside, or is it simply because the American people don't like to talk about shit they have no idea about? No one seems to be in a rush to put an end to the KKK or deal with the racist shit fall that we have spreading across the country like super herpes.

Yu can go ahead and argue that we've done well to support Haiti and Japan in the wake of tragic events, but my point is that it should be a cataclysmic event that bring our countries support to others.

Are there still starving countries in Africa while some fat fuck little child is being stuffed with cheeseburgers and soda pop by his fat fucking mother? yeah I think maybe we should shut the fuck up about how progressive and involved our country is and sit the fuck down to fix the shit we have here.

Budget issue? How about we kill every fuckin' rapist, murderer, bigot, pedophile and low life we have cooped up in prison eating more meals than a single mother of three struggling to juggle school , four jobs, and the content stress of how next month will go. The concern for the potential innocence of these inmates went out the window the second we told them "you'll never have a normal life again.

We spend way more money on fancy new shit that we do not need just to hate it later, toss it out in the trash and start all over not even thinking about the damage done to the environment.

So maybe we are still selfish. Maybe we are fitting to prove or establish an image in the world. I don't know I'm not a politician. I just think we all need to st the fuck up and stop passing judgement.

Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness was the goal and we are so far off.

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