Monday, May 9, 2011

Where the hell has dating gone?

I remember the times when you saw a cute girl at the bar and you asked the bar keep to deliver whatever fruity drink whatshername was drinking and if she was interested she'd come over and say thank you.

Now every woman reads some random psychologist's recommendations about how to turn on your guy, spice up the relationship, or crazy shit to do in bed.

The most ridiculous is the sex talk. Every month like clock work, some lady uses big words to deliver a tantalizing bedroom experience to enhance the love life that is falling apart as the reader takes notes.

Are we really so oblivious that we need someone else to tell us what to do, who to do, what to look for, what someone's choice of footwear means in their bank account, so on and so forth.

Maybe try not being such a bitch. Leave the make up behind because honestly honey that $300 bag of MAC or Sephora make up you got wont hide the fact that every morning you wake up a monster.

Again, EVERY SINGLE WOMAN has their own sense of self beauty and it seems more that these editors should focus less on what crazy shit to do with your tongue on some dudes nipples and more on how much less crap to cake on your face.

Waking up to some chick who had eyebrows and now doesn't is no way to spend a Sunday.

Tisk, tisk.

I'm sure that somewhere along the way we will go back to what mattered. At least that's the hope. Dating raccoons isn't my scene. But it continues to be the bane of the dating scene. Prepackaged disappointment waiting to happen.

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